Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Bon Voyage, Professor Larrington

Professor Larrington departed this shores for an extended sojourn in Captain Cook's Mistake today.  The good news is that she has consented to take Thomas with her, as bodyguard-cum-comedy foil.  With the real Thomas having just returned from FOREIGN climes for a visit to .nl1, the opportunities for confusion are legion.
Helpful Guide to Australian Wildlife for the Unwary
Also my parcel from MSI did arrive, but didn't contain any Stroopwafels chiz.

  1. Which is still a bit FOREIGN


  1. I thought Tesco stocked the Dutch treats?

    1. This may be the case but the nearest branch is a lot further away than my favoured Shopping Solution viz. Mr Sainsbury's House of Toothy Comestibles. As noted last week it is next door to IKEA so the next time I have a pressing need for small candles, picture frames or those curious Z-shaped Allen keys I will have a shufti.

      Actually the late and not-very-lamented Essex Arms[1] got turned into a Tesco Express but I doubt Stroopwafels would figure highly on the stock list.

      1: An establishment frequented by amateur boxers, buyers and sellers of Controlled Substances and the Metropolitan Police, which also sold booze. As a sideline.

  2. Hurrah to Professor Larrington for agreeing to take Thomas on further adventures.

  3. I want to try stroopwafels too. They work just as well with coffee, don't they? There isn't a Tesco anywhere near-by. Do you have any left?

    1. See posts passim about approved Stroopwafel-softening techniques.

      Do I have any left? What kind of a stupid question is THAT?

  4. Prof. Larrington will not have to worry about Steve Irwin but may have to contend with other Irwins.

    1. A new version of the map is under consideration, with improved geographical accuracy, Peter "Turbo" Teatoff, better spelling, Drop Bears and Gareth Hanks.


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